Easy way to manage your team's money

MiniBank is an application help you manage group funds among close friends. Every transaction is recorded openly and easily accessible with real-time notification in the app.

Coming not only fund management features, you can also switch mode to Advance which Application works as a tiny bank so every member has an account that hold virtual money and internal payments are available. MiniBank includes another tools like share bill, reminders, donate, debt claim ... that connect members effectively and having a lot of fun.

DISCLAIMER: MINIBANK IS NOT A REAL BANK APPLICATION. It DOESN'T receive or hold any money. It's just a tool, works like a notebook that helps you and your trusted friends manage funds with ease.

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Anyone can be a Bank's president

Just create a MiniBank for your group.

Each group of friend has its own MiniBank

You can create one MiniBank for group of co-workers, one for football club you're in, and others for any groups at your desire.

A MiniBank can handle multi funds

In a MiniBank, you can create a fund for team-building, another for beer lovers, etc... and financial info is clarified like never before.

Details of transactions

Members of a MiniBank can view every single transaction and funds' balance. No one will have to ask "How much money left do we have", "Where did money go", ... anymore.

Transactions are reported real-time through notifications

Members will receive notification when a transaction occurs.

  • When transaction happens
  • Details of transaction
  • Amount of money

Advanced Mode

If you are here, you've created a whole financial ecosystem, magic things happen.
You'll be suprised with tons of convenient features.

Your group now has its own bank

Yes, you read it right. The bank (your group) has it own currency, each member has their own accounts. Members can pay the others using their balance.

Share-bill in a click

If you know any share-bill applications out there, you will find MiniBank's share-bill feature outstand them all. Not only because of many handy options (like weighting, fix amount, ...), MiniBank also helps the debtors pay the bill with a single click.

Different manager for different fund

Not like Basic mode, where Admin is always the manager regardless how many funds created, funds in Advanced mode can be assigned to different member as fund manager. This would make the management much more easier.

Inter-group transfering

Stay tuned!

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